Embedded Podcast Player

Automatically add embedded podcast players to your website.

Embedded Podcast Players

With Podcastpage.io you can automatically create your podcast website and easily get all your embedded podcast audio players in just a few clicks!
It always stays in sync with your newly released episodes so you don’t have to worry about it. 

How to add Embedded Podcast Players on a website

Use our podcast website builder.

1. Add your Podcast

Create your podcast site automatically by importing your podcast RSS feed URL.

2. Customize Audio Player

Want a custom audio player or use your host embedded podcast player? We got you!

3. Add a Domain

Use a custom domain for your podcast site. Share your own domain with your podcast followers.

Embedded podcasts

You can easily import almost any podcast embed player so you can focus on your podcast and content.

No coding required

Create your site in minutes, without coding. It’s easy for beginners and you don’t need any prior experience.

Any podcast host

We automatically import embedded podcasts from 20+ hosts. If your host isn’t supported, let us know!

Podcast templates

Choose your own podcast website  template and easily customize it to fit your needs.

Custom audio player

Customize your audio player and include different sharing and playback options.

5-star support

While our podcast website builder is super easy to use, we’re always happy to help!

Why embed your podcast player?

Increase your reach and build a larger audience.

Improved SEO

Putting your podcast on your website can boost your podcast SEO.

Easy to customize

Customize your podcast website design with an unlimited number of available colors and hundreds of settings.

Use our advanced podcast player and enjoy unlimited possibilities, colors and customizations. 

Add Embedded Podcasts to your Website Today

Podcastpage.io - the podcast website builder