
How to podcast with A detailed review is the most popular podcast host. It is completely free, and backed (owned) by Spotify. If you’ve just decided to start a podcast, might be a great solution for you to start with. It helps lowering the entry barriers and anyone with a simple smartphone can start their own podcast with Anchor. In…

What is a Podcast RSS Feed?

If you are a podcaster, or want to start your own podcast, one of the most important terms you should be familiar with is the RSS feed. What is a podcast RSS feed you might ask? We’ll deep dive into RSS feeds in this article, but generally speaking it’s a public “list” of all your…

The most popular podcasts in 2020

With more than 1,000,000 podcasts in the wild, it’s always interesting to see which are the most popular podcasts, most downloaded podcasts, and the podcasts that are running for the longest time. In this article, we explore the ones that reached the top of the charts, but remember they all started somewhere! We also take…

How to create a podcast website with Simplecast?

Simplecast is a podcast hosting, management and distribution tool. It has been really popular among podcasters for the past few years, and they were recently acquired by Sirius XM. They offer multiple plans for podcast hosting, sharing, and advanced stats/analytics. There are thousands of Simplecast users, and many must wonder how to create a complete…

Podcast Showcase – Today in Digital Marketing

Welcome to the Podcast Showcase series. In each post, we’ll bring you one featured podcast, and give a short overview about the people behind the microphone, the process they use to podcast efficiently, share tips and recommended tools used for the podcasts and more. We’ll share images of their podcast equipment or setup, and links…

How to create shareable podcast video clips

Many podcasters promote their shows on social media. It’s a great channel to acquire more listeners and spread the word. When planning a social media strategy for your podcast, you’ll definitely want to consider using podcast video clips that can be shared on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. These popular short clips are a great way…

Podcast Showcase – Tanner Campbell

Welcome to the Podcast Showcase series. In each post, we’ll bring you one featured podcast, and give a short overview about the people behind the microphone, the process they use to podcast efficiently, share tips and recommended tools used for the podcasts and more. We’ll share images of their podcast equipment or setup, and links…

Here’s why you absolutely need a Podcast Website (5 reasons)

So you have a podcast, or even multiple podcasts – That’s awesome! Many podcasters choose to only focus on recording the actual podcast, without making any “marketing” efforts like posting on social media or creating a dedicated podcast website for their shows. Podcasters often debate whether they should create a site for their podcast. It’s…